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W.A.P. !!!

By David

Multi-player Warlords style arcade game.

55% complete
4 followers 22916 views
About Log (19) Discussion (10)

Version 0.0.7

The Bond version.

Fixes a ball throwing bug and makes the explosions look a little better.

Version 0.0.6


Version 0.0.5

This is a possible "ship" candidate for TinderBox at TechFestNW. Please report any problems.

New Feature

Version 0.0.4 now allows for holding and throwing the ball with the #1 button.

Artists wanted

If there are any artists, both of the auditory and visual persuasion, wanting what I think is a relatively easy gig then this Warlords thing could certainly use your talent. I'll be at the Central Office thing on Saturday (maybe Sunday), showing what I got so far.