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TinderBox - Indie Arcade

By Oliver Smith, Jack Meade, Lifeformed

Indie Games for a quarter (of your eternal soul)

40% complete
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Next: installing the cup holders.


This looks AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!


Question about the API. Since only booleans are returned for the inputs, do we subsequently call Input.GetAxis for the joystick "continuum" of values between -1 and 1?


Edited on

The joysticks are not analog, so they actually only return 0 or 1 for each direction like a classic arcade machine would. Analog joysticks are a potential future upgrade - hopefully for now everyone can work around that!

Since one or two people have asked, the joysticks report 8 directions where UP&LEFT is just checking if UP and LEFT are both pressed at the same time.


Quote from: Oliver Smith

The joysticks are not analog, so they actually only return 0 or 1 for each direction like a classic arcade machine would. Analog joysticks are a potential future upgrade - hopefully for now everyone can work around that!

Since one or two people have asked, the joysticks report 8 directions where UP&LEFT is just checking if UP and LEFT are both pressed at the same time.

Well that explains the API then! I will work with this.



The stain on the control panel looks really good from the pic!


Hey Oliver, can you confirm that my latest upoaded game image for OSERM is displaying on the TinderBox? After my last try it came through just one color so I gave it a second shot. Also, is there a specific place to discuss TinderBox related things? Right now I'm inclined to use #main on PIGSquad's slack but that seems too broad.


Quote from: Michael McKnight

Hey Oliver, can you confirm that my latest upoaded game image for OSERM is displaying on the TinderBox? After my last try it came through just one color so I gave it a second shot. Also, is there a specific place to discuss TinderBox related things? Right now I'm inclined to use #main on PIGSquad's slack but that seems too broad.

Hey - yeah, the picture looks good! I'll see if I can make a tinderbox channel in the slack. Currently this place and Twitter are the best places to talk.


Really cool to see the pics of you guys at PAX with the snazzy light-up sign and all. I was curious if you have built any analytics to see which games were getting the most play?


Quote from: LZorro

Really cool to see the pics of you guys at PAX with the snazzy light-up sign and all. I was curious if you have built any analytics to see which games were getting the most play?

Thanks! No, sadly we have no analytics yet. It should be simple to do something basic though. This week I'm going to try to make a high-scores hook so we can display scores in the launcher for games where that makes sense. I'll see if I can put in #-of-plays, avg-time-per-play and total-time-played stats while I'm in there.


Hey guys! As an avid gamer, I know this idea would realize a thousand fantasies of millions of people. I'm concerned though, as I see there haven't been any updates on TinderBox for several months. Is it no longer in production?


Quote from: Joe Stilwell

Hey guys! As an avid gamer, I know this idea would realize a thousand fantasies of millions of people. I'm concerned though, as I see there haven't been any updates on TinderBox for several months. Is it no longer in production?

We're still here! Actually, we have just built a new, more streamlined cabinet and it's making its first appearance at SXSW Interactive right now. We'll get some pictures of the new prototype up when SXSW is over.


Phew! That's awesome news, we all eagerly await it's completion! Keep at it!

Project owner

Quote from: Joe Stilwell

Phew! That's awesome news, we all eagerly await it's completion! Keep at it!

Hey Joe, you should check out www.fntsgames.com, we have some more info up there.

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